Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Tuesday, 25 September 2001

It's fall here. Actually, I let the equinox slip past without noticing it, but now we've got fall weather that's hard to miss.

We've been getting to the Fitness Center pretty regularly just lately. But the workouts have been disrupted, because they've been replacing some of the equipment and the space with the machines has been in disarray. There's actually a better set of machines now, though I particularly miss the leg curl machine they used to have. It was the only one I've ever found that hurts neither my back nor my knees. Still, I'm managing okay. I've added in some of the new machines into my workout and have figured out the right weights to use for most of them. Today was my first really satisfactory workout in a couple weeks.

I'm about halfway through my stack of marked-up mss for "An Education of Scars." I reviewed my notes from the critique session yesterday. Now, I'm putting in the line-edits and reading what everyone had to say in their written comments. I think I've decided what to do with this one.

I'm going to Finland. There's going to be a big gathering of companies working on Bluetooth for some interop testing and I'll be one of the people from our group. I find that I'm not afraid of flying, even after last week. And, if you made a list of the countries least likely to have terrorist attacks, Finland has got to be near the top.


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