Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Monday, 19 November 2001

I guess you can't really complain about an Indian Summer that lasts until this close to Thanksgiving, but I'm sad to see it go anyway. It was shorts-and-t-shirts weather right through Saturday, but today was chilly and wet and grey with the temperature dropping all day, from an early morning high in the 50s right down through freezing. There were still leaves on a lot of the trees until just a few days ago, but they're nearly all gone now.

Jackie and I lifted weights this morning, getting in our warmup walk outside despite the chill and damp. But I gave Jackie a lift back home, so she didn't get her usual one-hour post-weightlifting walk.

I got the mss I prepared over the weekend to the post office, so they're all on their way.

I got a great idea today, but no story came with it. I'll mull it over. An idea this good will link up with a story in no time.


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