Friday, 12 September 2003
I'm a little drunk. I had my beer for dinner a bit early and drank it all on an empty stomach, then had another beer with dinner. You'd think that having a beer a day would raise my tolerance some, but that doesn't seem to be the case. A beer and a half on an empty stomach, and I'm nicely buzzed. With the other half of the second beer, it lasted through dinner and an episode of Angel and I'm still not really sober.
I'm a cheap drunk, which goes well with my frugality.
I didn't have much time for writing today, but I've wasted what I had--wanted to start something new, but nothing came to me. I figure I've got a couple of choices: I could go over my backlog of critiqued but not yet rewritten stories and do a revision, or I could do some sort of exercise intended to kick-start writing without necessarily being the beginning of a new story. If I don't sit down at the computer ready to write something in particular tomorrow, I'll do one of those.
I'm tired. I've been sleeping okay and long enough, but having trouble getting up early. It's probably the turn of the season. Sunrise isn't until 6:30 AM now (and it's already setting at 7:00 PM!). I guess I just need to adjust my schedule to allow for needing more sleep from now until March.
Still, life is good. I'm still pleased with myself for getting my stories back out to markets. We've had great weather and can expect several more weeks of good weather (despite the fact that it's supposed to rain all weekend). We have books to read and DVDs to watch and runs to run and weights to lift.
Oh, and beds to sleep in.