Thursday, 26 February 2004
Up until just a day or two ago I was kind of enjoying this task at work that was keeping me much too busy. I've felt like was making a contribution, being successful, etc. And all that's still true; I've just gotten really tired.
I think I'll take this weekend off.
Previously I was scheduled to move back to my regular team at the end of this week. That's been delayed one week. That's okay. And I think that will be the end of it. The team will be over the big push to get this batch of stuff done.
No time for writing, but I did figure out how to do the rewrite of the story I got critiqued a month or two ago (not the zeppelin story, the other one). I'd been mulling over the critiques and just all at once came up with a list of three simple changes that will turn the story into a gem.
Maybe I'll make time to do the rewrite over the weekend.