Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Wednesday, 07 April 2004

One bit of writing news that I failed to mention earlier: Gavin Grant invited me to participate with a handful of other Lady Churchill's writers in a reading at Quimby's Bookstore in Chicago. People on the LCRW mailing list have already gotten the line-up: Hannah Wolf Bowen, John Trey, Dave Schwartz, Philip Brewer, Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link. It'll be June 1st at 7:30 PM.

It sounds like great fun! It's the first time I've been invited to do a public reading. It also seems like a good, low-stress way to start--just 10 or 15 minutes as part of a group.

Other than that, not much new news. I ran 3 miles today. I counted the weeks until my race in mid-June. If I'm going to do that, I need to start ramping-up the length of my long runs. I figure I need to run 4 miles this weekend, 5 next, and 6 the weekend after that. That should be reasonable, since I was running 6 miles pretty routinely last summer. I'll hold at 6 for a week or two, but then I need to move to 7. (The race distance is 7.1 miles.) I'd really like to run 8 miles at least a couple of times before the race. (And not the week before the race--I'll taper off a bit that week so I'll be rested.)


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