Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Friday, 16 July 2004

Coming down to the end of the writing jam. Tomorrow is the BBQ. (Toby says 10 writers from around Ohio are expected, including Mary Turzillo, one of my Clarion instructors.) Sunday we'll go over to Toby's for an early lunch, after which I'll head home. I've had a great time, but it will certainly be good to see Jackie again.

Today we critiqued a story of Toby's. Afterwards he clued us in to the source of the story's structure, which was really obvious after he'd pointed it out, but which I'd completely failed to pick up on.

I made a second stab at starting my next story, and got around 200 words. It's kind of cool stuff, but isn't really the beginning of a story, just 200 words of cool stuff. When I realized it wasn't going anywhere, I spent a half hour or so brainstorming possible plots for this story and took half a page of notes, but didn't come up with a great solution.

In the afternoon we wandered over to the student center and played some air hockey and foosball. Toby becomes a wildman when you put an air-hockey puck in front of him.

I'm really tired from accumulated days of not quite enough sleep. I think I'll turn in early tonight. Not only am I tired, it's also quite chilly this evening and I didn't really bring any warm clothes. Another advantage of going to bed early is that I have a blanket, so I'll be able to get warm.

I did get out for a run: 3 miles.


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