Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Tuesday, 10 August 2004

I've actually been writing, despite the lack of updates here. I've had chapter 1 cracked open and have been restructuring as well as adding words. Chapter 2 is currently empty, but I know what goes there, sort of. Chapter 3 is the way I left it before. Altogether I've got 4123 words. I'm not sure how many are new tonight, but that's up almost 1000 since the last time I counted.

Toby has some really interesting information on what length a novel should be in today's market. If 40k-60k words is really the golden length just now, I'm already one-tenth done with a novel!

I've been having to go to work early several times a week just lately, for early-morning teleconferences with people in other timezones. That's not so hard--I'm usually up early enough anyway--but it's not ideal. For one thing, it's hard to bicycle in that early. Between that and weather, I haven't bicycled in nearly a week now.

By last night I'd had all the not-bicycling I could take, so when I got home from work, Jackie and I went out for a ride in the evening. It wasn't far, just six miles, but even just that it felt really good.


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