This is basically a "links" page. I've organized it so that the links I follow often (because they have new content frequently) are near the top. Further down are the more static pages that I think other people ought to know about, but that I don't go look at everyday because they don't change that often.
* Clarion 2001 classmate or instructor.
The number of on-line sources of great fiction just keeps growing. A few things I read are:
The on-line market lists I'm familiar with are:
There's also Speculations, which is a magazine for genre fiction writers. Their on-line market list is pretty out-of-date, but the one they sell is quite good, as are their articles. (An article I wrote, "Story Structure in Short Stories" appeared in their February 2002 issue.) They've got a message board called The Rumor Mill, which is a great place for writing info and for hanging out on-line with other serious new writers.
The Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase is a terrific resource to find out about writers and their works. For example, here's my bibliography at the ISFDB site.
One of the things I'm interested in is story structure. Here's a great article on story structure by Algis Budrys. Steven Barnes (one of my Clarion instructors) also has an article on the Hero's Journey story structure. The best article on story structure is one by Damon Knight that was up on the web for a long time, but seems to have been taken down since his death. You can still read it, though, in his book Creating Short Fiction (it's the section called "Plot").