“Watch Bees” is in Asimov’s Science Fiction, August 2011, Vol. 35, No. 8, edited by Sheila Williams.
Picking his way through morning glory vines, over rolling chunks of old pavement, David made his way to the edge of the ditch. Kneeling down, he got close enough to the dandelions and clover to see that the bees visiting them were striped the distinctive orange-and-black of watch bees.
Looking up, David took in the farm as a whole. The paint on the farmhouse and barn wasn’t fresh, but it wasn’t peeling. The garden was big. The fields grew food, not just biofuel crops. He was six or seven miles from town, having rejected each of the farms he’d passed, but this one looked promising.
Update: “Watch Bees” has been reprinted in the Russian Magazine Esli!
Just read your story and enjoyed it. I found the premise very interesting!
Just wanted to say thanks for a good read! I opened to your story when looking at Asimov’s, and ended up buying the magazine so I could read it.