This sort of thing was a fantasy of mine, back in the 1980s. I could see things getting worse in the US, and the idea that a foreign passport and foreign residency could provide an escape if things got too bad was pretty appealing.

Nowadays not so much. It’s not that things have gotten better in the US; it’s that things have gotten worse other places at least as quickly. More to the point, things getting worse in the US seems to make things worse other places, so the conditions that make the idea appealing are the same conditions that make it pointless.

One book that substantially influenced my thinking in this area is Emergency: This book will save your life by Neil Strauss. I recommend it highly. In entertaining and informative prose, he documents his transformation from just the sort of kook I was in the 1980s into somebody with a much more practical perspective.

Still, an EU passport might have its upsides. Anybody got a spare quarter million euros and an interest in learning Greek? (If money is no object, a half million euros will let you buy in to Ireland, and I expect learning Gaelic is optional.)

Graphic from Citizenship for Sale on the International Monetary Fund’s IMFDirect blog.


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2 thoughts on “Second passports for expensive

  1. I note with some amusement the sentence:

    “In entertaining and informative prose, he documents his transformation from just the sort of kook I was in the 1980s into somebody with a much more practical perspective.”

    The use of the past tense is incorrect inasmuch as you are still one of the kookiest–though sanest–people I know. As best I know, your only deficits are in knowing the difference between what is funny and what is not, how to tell a joke, and … wait for it … timing.


    Miss Anna Canno Punner

  2. One can also get an Irish passport if at least one grandparent was born in Ireland, or by marrying an Irish citizen. Faith and Begora.

    Anna Canno Punner

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