There’s a song I half-remember with the line, “I’ve had the patience of a tree,” so that was my first thought when @macgenie proposed “patience” as the first prompt for her convalescent photoblog challenge.

There’s a song I half-remember with the line, “I’ve had the patience of a tree,” so that was my first thought when @macgenie proposed “patience” as the first prompt for her convalescent photoblog challenge.
@philipbrewer I’m not quite sure why @macgenie didn’t turn into a tag here…
@philipbrewer Ah. I see. I need to include the link manually myself. I’ve fixed the base post, and that seems to have fixed the post here!
@philipbrewer Yep, for posts on external blogs, we have to create the link ourselves (and there’s a 24 hour window where updating the original post on your blog propogates updates to
FYI, I wrote a little WordPress filter to automate that linking @-names.
@smokey Thanks! Looks useful.