I originally got gymnastic rings 18 months ago, when Winfield Village closed its fitness room due to the pandemic.
It’s a great fitness room, and I’d really enjoyed using it for workouts over the previous six years or so, but once I started doing my workouts outdoors with gymnastic rings, I found that I liked that even better, so I carried on with my outdoor workouts even after the fitness room reopened this spring.
These last couple of weeks, the weather is no longer as nice as it has been since early April, so I’ve started experimenting with ways to move my workouts back indoors, without losing the extra fun I’ve been having with gymnastic rings.
Last week I did an indoor workout that was very similar to what I’d been doing a couple of years ago. Today I tried to something more like my outdoor workouts—specifically, by bringing my rings along, and putting them up on the chin-up bar.
I did my usual morning exercises before heading over. Once I was in the fitness room, I put my rings up at the right height for dips or inverted rows, and did just a bit of additional warming up, doing some straight-elbow rows and straight-elbow push ups.
That done, I proceeded into my circuit, which consisted of the following for three rounds:
- Skater hops x 35
- Dips x 3 full dips + 4 negative dips
- Goblet squats 35 lbs x 12
- Inverted rows x 12
- Hollowbody holds 60″ first two rounds, then 30″ for last round
- Prone angels 2.2 lbs x 12
I still had a little energy after three rounds of that, so I did two rounds of a little mini-circuit to hit my deltoids, biceps, triceps, and forearms:
- Zottman curls 15 lbs x 12
- Dumbbell runners 15 lbs x 12 each side with one foot forward, then x 12 each side with the other foot forward
The whole workout took just over one hour, and left me feeling pleasantly tired, without making me feel so worn out as to imperil the run I have planned for tomorrow.