Frua je Esperanto kunveno, Do tempo por sipi mian bieron.
Category: Esperanto
2924-09-23 17:55
Frua je Esperanto kunveno, Do tempo por sipi mian bieron.
2024-04-08 17:56
Nia grup-kunvenejo ne plu nomiĝas la bierfarejo Blinda Porko, sed ili ankoraŭ uzas la samajn glasojn. Hodiaŭ mi trinkas bieron “No Call No Show,” kiu estas malfacila por traduki Esperanten. Estas frazo por kiam laboristo ne aperas ĉe laborejo, kaj ne antaŭe telefonas por diri tion.
2023-09-04 18:00
Mi trinkas bieron “Cloud Inversion” dum mi atendas la aliajn membrojn de mia Esperanta grupo.
Eating too late in the evening
One of the first things my Oura ring helped me figure out when I got it 4 years ago, was that if I eat a meal in the 4 hours before bedtime it interferes with my sleep. The effect was dramatic enough that Jackie and I switched to eating just two meals a day: breakfast an hour or two after we get up, and then our main meal of the day around 2:00 PM. Since that change, I’ve slept much better.
Sometimes though… life intervenes. Yesterday was one of those days. My local Esperanto group had its annual Zamenfest, and I brought pizza and cookies to the meeting, and ate a lot of both. (In fact, I not only ate several of the ginger sparkles I bought, I also ate some green star-shaped sugar cookies and some peanut butter cookies brought by other members of the group. It was a real cookie fest, as well as a Zamenfest.)
Unsurprisingly, I saw a repeat of the various issues that showed up 4 years ago, as can be seeing from looking at my Readiness metrics from my Oura ring:
The “Recovery index” basically means that my heart rate remained elevated until shortly before I woke up. That’s on top of the fact that it only got down to 53, which is rather high for me. My body temperature was 1.1℉ above baseline, which is probably just that my body was very active digesting food, rather than being a fever due to an infection or something.
A single day of this is no problem. Today I’ll eat on my usual schedule, and I expect I’ll sleep very well tonight. But I thought it was an interesting example of the sort of thing that the Oura ring is good at alerting the user to.
I didn’t get a picture of yesterday’s cookies, but here’s some from a prior year’s batch:
2022-10-11 18:02
Pluvas hodiaŭ, sed ne pluvas nun, Do mi esperas, ke ni povas kunveni ekstere.
2022-08-23 18:09
Alia esperantisto jam alvenis, sed dum li mendas bieron, mi povas afiŝi foton de la mia.
2022-07-19 19:26
Mi trinkis bieron Wookie Snacks Black Rye IPA dum mi atendis la esperantistoj.
2022-07-05 17:58
Mi ofte faras fotografon dum mi attendas la aliajn membrojn de mia loka grupo, sed ĉi semajne, ili alvenis tiel baldaŭe, ke mi ne havis tempon por afiŝi ĝin ĝis la sekva mateno!
2022-06-28 18:04
Trinkante bieron Hattori Hanso dum mi atendas la aliaj Esperantistoj.