You couldn’t see it, even if it weren’t behind the Oura ring “activity” sticker, but there’s a Great Blue Heron near the middle of this photo.
Anyway, “Go me!” for getting an activity score of 100 from my Oura ring.
You couldn’t see it, even if it weren’t behind the Oura ring “activity” sticker, but there’s a Great Blue Heron near the middle of this photo.
Anyway, “Go me!” for getting an activity score of 100 from my Oura ring.
Just a piece of bark with some lichens on it. A little moss too, I guess. #lichensubscribe #mosstodon
Big open-grown oak in the Sangamon River Forest Preserve. #thicktrunktuesday
Me: Ashley, we’re out for a walk! We’re not out for a “stand and stare at a squirrel”!
Dramatic sky. Not quite as dramatic as this filter would have you believe, but pretty dramatic.
Ashley has been hearing about the Fightin’ Ball training that Tanuki has been doing, and has been keeping her eye out for the essential equipment. Today, she found it. #dogsofmastodon
I figure the marks showing healed damage to the trunk of this sycamore tell us how deep the water gets when the Sangamon River floods. Photo taken yesterday while walking the dog at the Heron View Forest Preserve. #thicktrunktuesday
I’ve been training in longsword for almost a full year now—I just looked and saw that my first two classes were in the last week of March last year—and I’d gotten kind of discouraged. I did okay the first few weeks, but then plateaued. For months I felt like I was making no progress at all. Finally, on Thursday, I felt like I had taken a step forward.
I’ve come up with training-at-home plans a couple of times in the past year, thinking that I need to work out my Meyer stance (very low lunge, with the front thigh almost parallel to the ground), and of course my cuts. (This pictures shows me doing a zwerchhau, and the cut looks pretty okay, although the stance isn’t nearly low enough.) That is, I’d come up with the plans, but I largely hadn’t followed through. Today, with the encouragement of having done okay on Thursday, I got out with my sword and spent a while working on low stance, Meyer square cuts, and zwerchhaus.
Several members have done a “bear pit” for their birthdays: The birthday boy faces everyone in the group for a pass or three, one after another. The exact details vary, but the idea is to pick some metric (passes or opponents) and do enough to hit your age. I’ll turn 65 in mid-June, and I’d like to be able to carry on the tradition. I think I’m within striking distance on the basic fitness. (I was doing 2-hour runs at the end of last summer, and my last run was 1 hour 14 minute.) But it wouldn’t be much fun to face opponent after opponent and get beat every time, so I’m pleased to finally feel like I’m making some progress.
If you’re local, and you think swords are cool (and who doesn’t?), you might check out our group: Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing.
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side
Ashley is very long. 🐶 #dogsofmastodon
Ooh! My signed hardback copy of my brother Steven D. Brewer’s book Better Angels: Tour de Force has arrived!
Is that not a spectacular cover? I particularly like the image of Tau (the Neoboxer). And, of course, a couple of the angels, one as a singer/dancer and one as a commando. And Sssindy.