I think it’s funny to pronounce baklava like balaclava. Fortunately, Jackie says it’s okay, as long as I’m not talking to the baker.
Yummy desert.
I think it’s funny to pronounce baklava like balaclava. Fortunately, Jackie says it’s okay, as long as I’m not talking to the baker.
Yummy desert.
Lilies are past their peak. Today #lilycount 1, although not the last one. #bloomscrolling
I’m finally sending out my newsletter! An “issue zero” just went out, but starting next month you’ll be getting actual newsletters. My first cut at a title is “Sword fighting, writing, and a dog,” because that’s what I seem to be spending my time on these days. (I’ll try to get more writing stuff in than I have been just lately.)
If you’re interested, subscribe here: https://philipbrewer.micro.blog/subscribe/
Over the months we’ve had her I’ve described Ashley as being puppish, puptastic, and pupalicious. But just recently I’ve realized that she as best described as being doggedly pupstanding in her field. 🐕 #dogsofmastodon
Prompted by a poll on “Are you reading a book (paper, electronic, or audio)?” I realized that I’m reading one of each kind just now. On paper I’m reading non-fiction The Art & Practice of 16th Century German Fencing. On the kindle I’m reading a novel Dance for the Dead. On audible I’m reading Consider Phlebas.
I like the time of morning when the tops of the trees are lit by the sun, but the bottoms of the trees are still in shadow.
If you live in Illinois, and care about vulnerable people, consider signing this petition for mask mandates in healthcare facilities: https://chng.it/WdnkRXGkXx
The sort of thing Jackie might say on any ordinary day (such as today):
“Consider using a shallot as your allium in today’s lunch.”
(To be fair, just yesterday I told her I wasn’t using the shallots, assuming that she’d gotten them with some particular dish in mind.)
Wow! Today’s #lilycount is 63! I think that’s the highest lilycount we’ve ever reached. Bonus: You can see Spleenwort, our front-step gargoyle, way over on the left. #bloomscrolling