Some years ago I came this close to setting up a rule that any email message with the word “webinar” in it be sent directly to spam. I never got around to it, and I guess I’m glad I didn’t, because I just attended a rather interesting webinar on “Fixing Chicago Union Station” by the High Speed Rail Alliance.

Sign the petition!

Enjoy the poster below, which is very cool, even though unrelated to Chicago.

A poster of modernistic trains in front of the old Detroit train station, with the text "Michigan Central Detroit's Future Railway Hub"

Via Clarion classmate Mart, I spotted this post about Amtrak’s Plan to Give Free Rides to Writers.

One of my most productive days ever was on board an Amtrak train from Chicago to Champaign. I think I wrote four Wise Bread posts (including this one in praise of Amtrak), as well as getting some fiction writing done.

Related to that, I have been meaning for a while to link to this post about using cruise ships as workspaces. The cruise ships don’t offer free travel for writers, but the repositioning cruises are relatively cheap (because they tend to be dull—long days of crossing the open ocean–and because you end up on the other side of the world and end up having to fly back home), so you can do it yourself.

I’m always intrigued by ideas like this (such as rolling my own coworking spaces locally) because writing can so easily turn into day after day of solitary sameness. In fact, though, my desk in my study is a great place to get work done.

Speaking of which: progress on the novel continues apace. I’m averaging 1000 words a day, and it does not seem like a strain to do so. (Whereas trying to average 1667 words a day for NaNoWriMo did feel like a strain. Maybe I’ve found my sweet spot.)

Since there scarcely any thought of building them in the US, it’s silly to worry about the downsides of real high-speed trains, but it’s the sort of thing I tend to worry about. After all, the math is kind of scary.

It’s only 135 miles from Champaign’s Illinois Terminal to Chicago’s Union Station. If your trains can average 135 mph, you could make the commute in an hour—a long commute, but well within the range that many people find acceptable.

On a train that fast, you could depart Champaign at 6:45 and get to your desk anywhere in the Loop by 8:00. Another train that left at 7:45 could get you to Union Station in time to be at your desk at 9:00. Combine those with similar trains that departed shortly after the close of business and got you back to Champaign in time for supper, and suddenly Champaign offers all of its regular attractions plus all the attractions of Chicago.

Personally, I think that would be awful. It could easily attract thousands of new residents to Champaign—and Champaign does not need thousands of new residents.

Happily, the high-speed rail network that the US is actually building operates at a top speed of 110 mph—fast compared to highway speeds, but nothing like an average of 135 mph. I don’t know what sort of average speed that would produce, allowing for congestion and stops along the way, but let’s just pick a number and say we could average 90 mph. That would mean that it would take one hour thirty minutes to get to Chicago.

Suddenly the math for making Champaign a bedroom community is much less compelling. At 90 mph, the furthest you could live from Chicago and still have a one-hour commute would be Gilman. As a practical matter, people who found the idea attractive would probably live in Kankakee instead. Not that I have anything against Kankakee, but better they get thousands of downtown Chicago workers than we do.

While averting the downside of turning Champaign into a bedroom community, moderately high-speed rail service is still great for non-commuters. Amtrak service to Chicago is already pretty good—fine for a day trip to Chicago. I can catch the City of New Orleans at 6:00 AM and get to Chicago before the museums open. After a day in the city I can either leave around 4:00 PM on the Illini and get home in time for supper, or I can have an early supper in Chicago, leave around 8:00, and get home by bedtime. Imagine if those trains averaged 90 mph.

Better, imagine a couple of 110 mph trains making evening runs designed to allow people in Champaign to head into the city after work, arrive early enough for a late dinner—or, if they ate dinner on the train, a show—and then return in time to spend the night in their own bed.

The more I think about it, the happier I am with the (objectively pretty lame) moderately high-speed rail taking shape in the US. It has great potential to make Chicago accessible for half-day or evening visits without the downside of turning Champaign into a bedroom community.

(All these meditations prompted by Andrea Mayeux‘s article Researchers say high-speed rail could fuel U.S. real-estate, economic booms, via Tobias Buckell’s post High speed rail could spark a real estate boom in second tier cities.)

Dad sorting through old files

I’m just home after four days spent with my dad, working on decluttering the house where we lived during my high school years.

It was a good trip. I forget between times what a good model my dad provides for working: focused sessions of work, interspersed with breaks for exercise, snacks, and caffeinated beverages. I tend to focus too long when the work is interesting and not long enough when the work is tedious. My dad is better at that than I am.

Slightly related to breaks and snacks, we also got to restaurants in both Scotts and Vicksburg. As best I can recall, Scotts had no restaurant when I lived there. Now it has two. I remember ever eating in Vicksburg one time, so they must have had a restaurant; I barely remember it and don’t remember any others. Now they have multiple restaurants—you could eat lunch there every day.

Good trip up and back on Amtrak—I always enjoy traveling by train. A vast improvement over the nightmare that air travel has become.

My visit turned out to serve as a catalyst for additional decluttering efforts. My dad’s wife did a bunch of work getting stuff taken to the dump and Jackie did a bunch of work decluttering the study at home. So, three households have made significant decluttering progress, all thanks to my trip. I’m so proud.

Oh, and we saw a Pileated Woodpecker! They’ve apparently almost gotten common around Kalamazoo.