Two of my favorite WebComics, False Knees and SORROWBACON are presenting broken RSS feeds from Tumblr. I don’t know what’s up. When I tried to look it said I needed to be logged in to Tumblr.
What’s up with that? @FalseKnees @Millie_Ho
Two of my favorite WebComics, False Knees and SORROWBACON are presenting broken RSS feeds from Tumblr. I don’t know what’s up. When I tried to look it said I needed to be logged in to Tumblr.
What’s up with that? @FalseKnees @Millie_Ho
In the NYT, a fascinating story of early black comic book artists:
“the comic book was a groundbreaking success. But its second issue never came out, Mr. Quattro said, because white paper mill owners refused to sell Evans the pulp needed to print the comics.”
As a big ol’ banknote design geek, I found this delightful:
“We analysed the world’s banknotes, looking at their colour, characters, buildings and animals to discover the DNA of our world currency”
Source: Currency in colour: a visual guide to 157 banknotes around the world
All writing, imagery, etc. produced by the federal government is automatically in the public domain, available for anyone to use, share, remix, etc. For example, here’s a NASA page with some 1970s concept images of space colonies: (via @AlanRalph).
After yesterday’s Urbana Art Fair and a good night’s sleep last night, I was feeling pretty good. But a 20-minute walk in the prairie with my sweetie has me feeling so much better!
Spindle spinning. As @jackieLbrewer does.
I need to improve my drawing skills enough to draw a recognizable raccoon and opossum. I will then do a series of comics in which brave opossums hold off the raccoon threat, with the help of an occasional hedgehog, sloth, and slug.
Edited to add: And a box turtle. Box turtles are also on the side of right and good.
I’ve been doing a pen-and-ink drawing each day this month for #inktober. I’ve been sharing them on Twitter, but obviously I should be sharing them here on my site as well.
So, here’s a gallery with my #inktober drawings, I’ll try to keep the gallery updated as the month of #inktober proceeds.
Sculpture in downtown Urbana.