Beer! @author_sdbrewer! Soon: food!

Beer! @author_sdbrewer! Soon: food!
Ready to sell books! @limako is wrapping bundles of his Revin’s Heart books that are out so far.
This photo scarcely shows it, but the dealer room goes on and on. The Water Dragon table is out of sight in the distance, kinda at the left.
Just a post to show off the Airship Pirate ribbon @limako made for me. Also shown: my lanyard: handwoven silk made by @jackieLbrewer.
I feel so welcome!
This hotel is full of portly balding men with grey goatees.
(In the interests of full disclosure, I do somewhat resemble this remark.)
I’m checked into my room at the Hyatt. Now waiting for @limako with a beer (and a very expensive Cuban sandwich on the way).
Looks like I’ll be facing backward all the way to Chicago. Nearly on-time, though.
On my way to WorldCon! I’ve made it as far as Champaign’s Illinois Terminal.
I have booked a room at the Hyatt Regency for myself and my brother @author_sdbrewer, and booked travel on Amtrak, to attend WorldCon.
If you’re going to be there, let me know! I look forward to seeing you!