I took this image to document the scar from Ashley getting nipped on the nose by a neighbor dog, but it was such a handsome picture, I figured there was no point on dwelling on the scar. #dogsofmastodon

I took this image to document the scar from Ashley getting nipped on the nose by a neighbor dog, but it was such a handsome picture, I figured there was no point on dwelling on the scar. #dogsofmastodon
At 10:00 AM on the first Tuesday of the month, the county tests its emergency sirens. #dogsofmastodon
The very first month we had Ashley, we happened to be walking right under one of the sirens at the moment it started up. Ashley started howling along with it, which made me laugh. And Ashley looked a little embarrassed, thinking she’d done something wrong. I didn’t want that, so I started howling as well.
Since then, Ashley and I (and Jackie when she’s with us) have howled along with the emergency sirens every month.
Our neighbors have not complained, although I suppose they think we’re rather weird.
I wish I had as lean and muscly a physique as Ashley. But I don’t wish it enough to switch to eating nothing but dog food as a way to get it. #dogsofmastodon 🐕
Right from the start I referred to Ashley as my “pupperdog.” After a while though, I realized that she was actually my “pup ur-dog”—that is, some proto-dire-wolf aspect of a pit bull / boxer cross.
You can see it in her eyes. 🐕 #dogsofmastodon
Jackie almost always gets up before me and makes the coffee. But every few weeks I’ll wake up first and then I’ll be the one to make the coffee. And when I do, I bring Jackie a cup of bed coffee.
Ashley routinely stays in bed until the second person gets up. #dogsofmastodon 🐕
From the first day we met her at the animal shelter, Ashley has liked to sit on benches with both Jackie and me. Still does. #dogsofmastodon 🐕
Likes to sit (and stand) on benches. Doesn’t much like to have her picture taken.
Over the months we’ve had her I’ve described Ashley as being puppish, puptastic, and pupalicious. But just recently I’ve realized that she as best described as being doggedly pupstanding in her field. 🐕 #dogsofmastodon
Ashley’s place on the sofa is no longer in the sun. #dogsofmastodon 🐕 Although it may look like Ashley spends all her time lounging on the sofa, in fact she has had three walks since the previous photo.
Ashley’s place on the sofa is also her place in the sun. #dogsofmastodon 🐕