I’ve updated my website to a new theme, SemPress, which supports some IndieWeb functionality which I’m looking to use going forward.
Things look pretty similar to me. If you notice anything wonky, please let me know.
Testing to make sure I’ll be able to use the micro.blog tools when they start supporting posting to blogs. I can post here using Quill, so micropub is working, but running the test suit at micropub.rocks produces only failures.
I’ve been using micro.blog right along and have a good, basic understanding of what it can do, but I’m very much looking forward to the release of the book, which I expect to fill in any number of gaps.
Here’s a great summary of all the things I never quit using: a personal website, #RSS, blogroll, etc. Now augmented with indieweb stuff like webmention, micro.blog, etc.
This used to be automatic, and I have no idea why that’s no longer true. “So if you write or put any kind of content on your site, also make sure to add an RSS feed.” https://matthiasott.com/articles/into-the-personal-website-verse