A downed branch in Winfield Village. #lichensubscribe

A downed branch in Winfield Village. #lichensubscribe
Just a piece of bark with some lichens on it. A little moss too, I guess. #lichensubscribe #mosstodon
An ice storm has made it way too slippery to walk further than absolutely necessary. Plus, I have a package coming that I need to sign for. So, for the dog’s third walk today I kept her within my front and side yards.
Happily, there was this nice patch of lichen right there. #lichensubscribe
Okay, I know it’s lichen and not moss, but I know how to spell #mosstodon, whereas I have no idea how to spell #lichentodon. #lichen? #lichens? #lichensofmastodon?
(Update: I am told that #LichenSubscribe is the lichen-related hashtag most in use—an admittedly brilliant hashtag.)
I walked to lunch today, and paused along the way to take pictures of some of the lichens I saw.
There were only a few species represented (I assume, based purely on superficial appearance, which my brother tells me is not actually a good way to identify lichens).
I also saw this handsome moss along the way:
Someone on Twitter was just mentioning that the fact of their easy visibility in winter is one of the best things about lichens.