Scouted tomorrow’s Rattlesnake Master Run for the Prairie 10k race, including Jackie’s volunteer station. Walked the bit where it enters and leaves Yankee Ridge. Just inside the park spotted the tree where the vultures hang out!

Scouted tomorrow’s Rattlesnake Master Run for the Prairie 10k race, including Jackie’s volunteer station. Walked the bit where it enters and leaves Yankee Ridge. Just inside the park spotted the tree where the vultures hang out!
At brunch yesterday the topic of burial instructions came up, and I was surprised to discover that Jackie didn’t remember that I’d already documented my wishes for dealing with my remains. The gist of my instructions is that (although I’d urge her to be guided by frugality) she should do whatever she wants. However, I did add this proviso:
4. If there’s no good reason to prefer one thing over another for reasons of convenience or cost, I’d really like to have my body eaten by vultures.
Sadly, I’ve seen no move toward making sky burial socially acceptable in the United States.