I keep taking Ashley on longer and longer walks, trying to tire her out so I can get stuff done, but (duh) it just makes her ready for yet longer walks.
In other news, Ashley continues to look like a dog fitness model. #dogsofmastodon

I keep taking Ashley on longer and longer walks, trying to tire her out so I can get stuff done, but (duh) it just makes her ready for yet longer walks.
In other news, Ashley continues to look like a dog fitness model. #dogsofmastodon
Jackie and I had seen these sculptures from the road on our way to our dog training class. Today we parked at the other end of the Robe trail, then walked to this spot and back to the car, about a 3-mile round trip. #dogsofmastodon
All it took to get this badge was making the dog’s long walk of the day a 5 miler, taking her for all her other ordinary walks, the activities of daily living, and then going for a 6-mile run.
While walking Ashley, noticed that a ladybug had landed on my hand. Stayed there long enough to get a picture.
After several days when the weather was too crappy for either me or Ashley to want to take a long walk, it was slightly better today, and I managed to get the pupster out for a pretty long walk.
I am very impressed with myself: I walked far enough to get Ashley tired enough that she wanted to nap, without making myself too tired to make bread dough. #dogsofmastodon 🐕
I forgot to bring my phone on one of my walks, so those steps only got counted twice and not three times!!! I am bereft.
Most of the time—unless I need to go somewhere in particular—I let Ashley pick where we go on a walk. Today, instead of wanting to check all the things, Ashley wanted to head to, and then cross, the busy street.
By then I’d figured it out: She was leading me back to where yesterday she spent the morning at puppy daycare.
Sadly, it only happens twice a month. Happily, Ashley has been signed up for the next one.
Ashley and I have been figuring out how the dog should be walked, in order to get her enough exercise that she isn’t a pest, and to make sure that she doesn’t have “accidents” in the house. Here’s how things seem to be shaping up:
The Fourth Walk doesn’t always happen, if she doesn’t seem to need to go out before our main meal of the day, so some days we’re already down to six walks per day. (We were doing about eight walks per day for the first several weeks, as anything less led to peeing or pooping in the house.)
Longer term, I’m hoping to get down to about four walks: First walk, Long walk of the morning, Long walk of the afternoon, and Just before bedtime.
Wish me luck.
Although we’re doing slightly fewer walks, we’re probably walking longer distances—I’m averaging a full 8 miles per day last week and this week.
While walking Ashley, happened upon this probably immature hawk on the fence.
He let me walk right past, without flying away.