Tuesday, 31 July 2001
I finished revisions to "A Little Empathy." I printed a copy for Jackie and sent a copy to my brother Steve for him to read. I think I fixed most of the problems, without losing any of the things I liked about the story. I'm pleased.
Steve has been writing fiction lately as well. The one recent story I read a draft of was good--good ideas, good characters, good dialog. He could do well, if he decides to pursue it.
Jackie came to meet me for lunch today and we went to a Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit at the Krannert Art Museum. It was very impressive. I had seen a lot of pictures of his posters and such, but the exhibit did a good job of putting his work into context with the other things that were happening in art at the time.
I finished a draft of the document I was working on at work and distributed it. They asked if I'd work on another document next. I don't think all this documentation work is related to my having gone to a writing workshop. It's just because we're at the beginning of a project and there are always a bunch of documents to be written then.
There was some email from Karina on the list again, so we know she's okay.