Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Thursday, 16 August 2001

Some pretty good writing today. I re-wrote most of what I'd done yesterday. It's better: simultaneously more sf-ish and more plausible (something you can't always manage), while also being quicker and tighter. Plus, it now has a better segue into the next scene. I'm pleased. I did most of that over lunch. I made just a bit of progress this evening, beginning that next scene. It's at 3750, so the net new words are 220, but it's more like half again that in terms of words written today.

It was a grey day today here: cloudy, cool, kinda gloomy. I'll take the sun, even when it means taking the heat too. It was good sleeping weather last night, though.

At work I produced a quick draft of the next document. One good thing about writing documents at work is that I know who my audience is. There are a few people who need to approve each document, plus a few others who have to use it. If the document works for them it's a success. If it doesn't work, they can give it back to you and say, "Fix this and this." Fiction writers don't get much of that. (And it isn't just the editors being mean or even too busy to respond. It is rarely clear how to fix a broken story.)


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