Tuesday, 11 June 2002
I've been getting a lot done at my day job. It doesn't leave a lot of time or energy for writing, but I've been doing some of that, too. I've got about 1100 words on the virus story.
While she was visiting, my mom took some pictures. Here's one of Jackie and me. This was at the Farmer's Market. We were signing a petition to put a Green party member on the ballot. I'm not quite sure why she was shooting black and white film, but I kind of liked the effect. You don't get a good look at it in this picture, but I'm wearing my
OpenSSH t-shirt.
I went for a run this morning. The big cottonwood tree on the southwest corner of the lake had been dropping fuzz on my previous runs, but I didn't notice any this time. Maybe the windy weather the past couple of days blew it all away. The run was okay, but I was expecting it to be better than the last few and was disappointed when it wasn't. Maybe next time.