I attended Clarion, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop, in 2001. I kept an on-line journal that year and this page has links to all the entries. This journal begins about the time I sent in my application. The first day at Clarion was June 3, 2001.
I'm leaving this journal available on the internet as a historical artifact; as something that captures a moment in time, each journal entry remains true: They are just as I wrote them. A lot of the other stuff, though--in particular, links to other sites--have gotten out of date. For current information about me, and for less out-of-date links to the people I know and work with, see this site's main page: http://www.philipbrewer.net.
This journal is about me and my writing. It has its roots in a journal of my writing that I started keeping in 1995 that was mostly metrics on my writing (e.g. words written, stories finished). Over the past few years it has become common to put Clarion journals on-line. Other people's Clarion journals have been important to me, so it seemed only right that I should keep one myself.
Writing this journal turned out to be so much fun, I continued Philip Brewer's writing progress through mid-2005.
For newer information, visit my blog or subscribe to my feed.
If what you're interested about is my experience at Clarion, though, this is where it starts.
Clarion 2001 journal entries:
There are a few related bits that aren't journal entries:
I enjoyed keeping this journal so much, I've continued it. Links to recent entries are on the Philip Brewer's Writing Progress page.
The best site for information about Clarion is Hilary Moon Murphy's Clarion Ex Machina site. Besides the Clarion journal list (linked to above), it has articles and essays about Clarion, Clarion humor, and links to a huge array of writing resources.
Clarion 2001 instructors and students with websites:
Clarion West 2001 students with Clarion journals: